Sunday, November 15, 2009

Q+A. The Female Perspective.

Let's see.... here's one i thought was clever...
• You know how they say a girl knows whether she'll sleep with the guy within 5 minutes of meeting him? Well, would it be fair to say that a girl knows within the first 5 minutes of sex whether she'll sleep with this guy again?

Actually it's about 1 min for both scenarios. It is very rare that a guy could kiss well and lack in other skills. And vice versa. And if a girl finds herself being attacked by "Thumper" that is the first and last time that guy will get to see her naked. It is true that not everyone's styles will mesh well the first time...and some things need to be taught in stages...:) but if the chemistry is there the girl will know right away. She will know it from the way the boy holds her, from how he undresses her, from how he's just that simple.


Amanda Lee said...

"attacked by Thumper"

Nothing is worse than being drilled at by some amateur who thinks simulating a jack hammer equals a fun time.

I'm teaching a sex ed class... the world needs better lovers


Would you like to contribute some knowledge to my blog? Would love to have you.

Hambone said...

Would you like to contribute some knowledge to my log?


Logging off now...